Director Siddique’s Legacy Left Behind Will Enrich the World of Cinema: GIC Red Carpet

By: 600004 On: Aug 17, 2023, 1:39 AM

Dr. Mathew Joys, GIC CoE Chair for Media
Global Indian Council’s Center of Excellence Media & Visual (Red-carpet) organized a condolence Zoom meeting on August 11, 2023, at 9:00 PM Eastern Time to commemorate the demise of Director Siddique Ismail. RED CARPET is one of the GIC’s Centers of Excellence with a vision to promote GIC and Indian Diaspora through visual arts, especially film production etc.
The meeting was presided by Red Carpet CoE Chairman Tom George Kolath from the New York Chapter, and the program was coordinated by Mrs. Preethy Pynadath from the Austin Chapter of GIC.
GIC Global General Secretary Sudhir Nambiar welcomed the audience and expressed his condolences on behalf of GIC. Siddique’s creations will last for a long and the film lovers will not forget him and will live through their minds.
PC Mathew stated that “Siddique’s talents as a director, story writer, and producer and more over his great personality influenced many film lovers and his friends. His skill in giving life to the characters gained through his real-life experience is amazing. His films displayed the world the “truth of life” mixed with thoughtful humor and made it unforgettable.” 
On behalf of the Global Indian Council Center of Excellence, Cinema & Visual media “Red-carpet,” Chairman Tom George Kolath had a brief outline about Director Siddique and shared his experience acting in his movie ”Fingerprint”. Since movies are the fastest technical media of the century, we can relate ourselves to many stories, and many arts of cinema influence our lives too. 
The special guests were T.R. Ajayan, Swaralaya Festival Chairman, and Kirali TV Director, Actor, Director, and writer Madhupal. Asianet Executive Editor Anil Adoor and Director of Photography Jithu Damodhar delivered condolence speeches. 
 T. R Ajayan, Chairman of Swaralaya Festivals and Kairali TV director shared a detailed briefing of Dir Siddique’s films and focused on no matter what we all are, somehow we are connected to art and culture. He appreciated GIC giving importance to art, culture, and visual media. 
Madhupal, a very known actor, award-winning director, writer, and Chairman of the Kerala state cultural activities and welfare fund board, was kind enough to join our Zoom meeting.
Anil Adoor, Associate Editor of Asianet Television, mentioned Dir. Sidique is known him for over 20 years, is a good friend, and has much respect for an organization that celebrates the legacy of a popular filmmaker from the other part of the world. 
Jithu Damodar, a cameraman man of Dr. Siddique spent with him the past five years. While sharing his testimony, he was speechless and mentioned he is indebted to Siddique sir; his thoughts will always be with him. 
Sunil Hali (the chief editor of Radio Zindagi and publisher of The Indian Eye, best of all our cousin of Our favorite actor Anupam Kher) said losing the director of Bodyguard is a big loss. Creative people create footprints in our hearts.
 Dr. Anil Paulose, NY chapter President, says doctors treat people with their expertise and but filmmakers heal people by entertaining them.
 Tirlok Malik, one of the executive members of Redcarpet, a very talented filmmaker who worked with the nationally award-winning movie Ambadker, My dear kuttychathan, shared his thoughts on Dir. Siddique. 
 Dr. Sheetal Desai shared her condolences. He will never die and will remain in our hearts.1Dr. Mathew Eapen, Chair of COE health and wellness, said, never seen such a human person. He was privileged to receive the Asianet Healthcare award from Dir. Siddique. 
GIC Global President PC Mathew and GIC Brand Ambassador Retd DGP Mrs. Jija Madhavan Hari Singh conveyed their condolences messages and remembered his great work and movies.
Film Director Siddique’s Condolence Resolution Prepared by the Global Goodwill Ambassador Jija Madhavan Hari Singh IPS (Rtd. DGP of Karnataka State, India) was read in the meeting in addition to her eloquent speech.
The resolution states that “Director Siddique’s recent passing has left a void that will be deeply felt by all who had the privilege of knowing him and experiencing his exceptional talents. Whether it was through his directorial brilliance, his innovative production ventures, or his captivating performances on screen, he demonstrated a rare and genuine passion for his craft. GIC remembers Siddique with gratitude for the legacy he has left behind, a legacy that will continue to enrich the world of cinema and touch the lives of countless individuals. “ 
GiIC Global Ambassadors KAMLESH Mehta (New York), Santy Mathew ( Kerala), and Adv.Seema Balasubramaniam (Australia) also joined in the meeting to express their condolences for the great film Director Siddique.
RED-CARPET Co-chairs Komal Khatri and Sunil Hali, and Sherry Yohannan, Prof. KP Mathew, Preethy Pynadath, Sanu Zack, Sunith John expressed their condolences. A creative person like Dir. Siddique will be remembered for his works and stay in our hearts.
The Cabinet Members Prof.Joy Pallattumadom (Vice President). Yamini Rajesh and Media Chair Dr. Mathew Joys, Dr. Saji Thomas, Dr. Eapen Jacob, Joy Parikkapally (Mary Land), Elizabeth, Saju Thomas (Ontario), Lagi Thomas, Jaisy George (Dallas Chapter President) Anila, Monu Thomas, Jacob Abraham were also present and expressed their condolences. sanity Mathew ( Kerala), and Adv.Seema Balasubramaniam (Australia).
 At the end of the meeting, everyone cherished all the beautiful thoughts of Dir. Siddique and Emcee Preethy extended their gratitude to the GIC executive board and Red Carpet, mentioning that Artists never die; they live thru their talented works.
Global Treasurer Dr.Tara Shajan. passing her respect and condolences with a heavy heart, mentioned that no other films made her so happy than late Siddique, With  her vote of thanks, the meeting was concluded.