15 Guinness Records, 250+ World Records in a single day

By: 600011 On: Aug 12, 2024, 11:52 AM


Achieve more than 250 Guinness World Records. Can we think of such a thing? That's what David Rush, a serial record breaker from Idaho, USA, did. That's not all, David has broken 15 world records in a single day.

"Many records in one day are difficult, so I was even more impressed with how David broke the records," said Will Sinden, official judge of Guinness World Records. David Rush responded that the performance surprised him.

What are the Guinness records broken by David Rush? One of them is to take three apples and bite the maximum number of them while performing Ammanam. Next, stack 10 toilet paper rolls as fast as possible (with one hand, in 5.38 seconds).

The next step was to drink a liter of lemon juice as fast as possible through a straw. The time taken for this is 13.99 seconds. Another is wearing a T-shirt the fastest. Wore 20 in 30 seconds. Another was to throw the most chopsticks at a target in the fastest time. 39 were thrown in this way in one minute. Apart from this, David Rush has broken many other records.