Survey finds Canadian children less able to cope with crisis

By: 600011 On: Dec 14, 2024, 4:45 PM



Children in Canada are more soft-hearted and less able to cope with adversity, according to a survey. A Scouts Canada survey found that those aged 10 to 21 are more soft-hearted and less able to cope with various types of crises that they may face in the future. The survey also found that most Canadian parents are concerned about this.

The survey said that social media channels, screens, video games and helicopter parenting are causing dangerous changes in children. The survey was conducted with 1,000 Canadians. Almost 100 per cent of those polled said that the Covid period has negatively affected the development of children in all aspects. Parenting styles of different generations also influence character formation. It is very difficult to be a parent these days, says Dr. Ashley Miller told Global News that when asked which province was the best for raising children between the ages of 10 and 21, 36.5 per cent said Ontario was the best. B.C. was the second best province, with 16.6 per cent saying it was.