The Manitoba government says it is continuing its efforts to recruit more doctors to the province. The government also noted that as part of this, it has developed plans to attract doctors from outside the province and abroad. Officials say the province is mostly targeting American physicians. While hiring about 90 internationally trained doctors from other countries, the province recruits only one or two American-trained physicians per year, according to data released by the College of Physicians and Surgeons.
The Manitoba government says changes in government in the United States and dissatisfaction with the health sector are pushing doctors to go to other countries. Doctors Manitoba CEO Teresa Oswald said that issues related to abortion rights and gender affirmation in some provinces have created discontent among doctors.
Manitoba has the second-lowest number of doctors per capita in Canada, with 219 doctors per 100,000 residents. That's why the province is stepping up efforts to hire more doctors. The recruitment campaign is focusing on North Dakota, South Dakota and Florida in the United States. Officials say the campaign will expand to more states in the coming years.