They sold all their savings and moved to the US; They returned to India with their dreams and hopes shattered

By: 600011 On: Feb 10, 2025, 12:50 PM



When a military plane carrying Indian youth deported from the US landed in India on Wednesday, the youth were accompanied by their shattered dreams. Many of them had sold all their savings, including their houses and land, to move to the US with their hopes and dreams. But in an instant, everything collapsed. Akash, 20, was one of 33 people from Haryana who had set off from a village called Kalron with dreams full of dreams. To fulfill Akash's dream of settling abroad, the family sold their land and savings. They hoped that Akash would save the family.

The agent promised to take him directly to Mexico and then to the US. He paid the agent a total of Rs 72 lakh. He then paid up to Rs 7 lakh for other expenses. Akash's brother Shubha says that they only came to know about the deportation on Wednesday. Shubha says that it has become a nightmare for them. Instead of taking him to the US via a direct route, the agent allegedly took Akash on multiple planes, containers, trucks and even dangerous routes through the jungles of Panama. Shubha said that Akash had shared some of the scenes of his journey through the jungles and that they were frightening.

Other young people have also had a similar experience as Akash. Many people who had happily traveled from other parts of India with dreams and hopes returned to the country with all their hopes dashed.